Hello! Hello!
Oh. my. gosh. If you are reading this, that means you're on my site! Which means I want to personally thank YOU for taking your time out to share this experience with me! I am super excited to publish my own website where I can finally share all my latest work and older work in an organized fashion. I put a lot of time and effort into creating the photographs you see on here and I am proud to be able to share it with all of you!
If you see your beautiful face somewhere around here, I want to give you a huge hug at this very moment, so just know I'm sending my love virtually. Not only are you the amazing talent and life behind the photo, but also because it means that you have been there to help me learn and grow through every shot. Also a huge shout out to the amazing individuals who worked with me behind the scenes and in post production for their invaluable critiques.
I know this is only the beginning, so it is all a little prototype-ish. So please, take a look around and let me know what your thoughts are or leave a comment because I only want to better myself! I'm looking forward to starting/finishing new projects and traveling to some cool places in the near future so stay tuned for some exciting things there!
Thanks again for sharing this experience with me and all the support!
- Alex